My rating: 3 of 5 stars
When I started listening to this audio book I expected it to have a little more that could be applied to fields outside of medicine. The end did a little, but most of the book was about medicine.
I started reading this book in 2014, but didn't get far at the time because of health issues. It has been on my list of books to read ever since. On a recent trip to the library I saw it and picked it up as an audio book. Clearly I wasn't going to finish it in the written format.
I enjoyed the audio version of this. It didn't give me the greatest confidence in the medical profession, but I already had some mistrust. The above health issues were not solved and I'm still looking for answers. That is extremely frustrating. This book looks at ways that medicine can do better, it doesn't say that doing better will mean solving every problem it means doing the best and striving to make that better. The stories in here were interesting for the most part. I wanted to really like and learn from this book but I don't feel like I got a lot that is applicable to my life as a non doctor. I'm glad I listened to it eventually, but I don't think it is a book that I'll return to.
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