Sing, Unburied, Sing by
Jesmyn Ward
My rating:
2 of 5 stars
I had a really hard time with this novel. I didn't find anything to connect with, sympathize with, or connect to in the characters. The characters should have been ones I cared about, but the author didn't write them in a way I felt anything for the. Then we have the vomit. So much of it. I really would rather not read about it. I should note here that I have a phobia of vomit and this book should have come with a warning. Then there were the ghosts. The story started out going one way and then the ghosts came and took over. I spent most of the time I was reading the book hoping the pace would pick up and it would end . I strongly disliked the novel, and then the ending came and I thought okay finally I connected with a character. The ending is the only reason this got a two stars rating instead of one. I wish I could say this novel was good, I wish I could recommend it, but I really can't. It just didn't work for me, and I thought it was missing something.
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