Genre: Non-Fiction
Series: No
Copyright: 2005
Publisher: Hachette Audio
Buy: Amazon
An exploration of what our brain does without us knowing we are doing it. Those fast decisions that help us cross the road when a car is coming up faster than you expected, and you dash out of the way before you know you are doing it. How do we make these decisions and can we control or do we want to control these fast judgement we make. Also looks at micro expressions that we perceive but don't know we see because of the speed at which they happen.
I enjoyed listening to Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking, it was read by the author which was enjoyable. Some of the book wasn't as engaging as other parts but I liked the opening where snap judgments and science were compared. I'm sure there are also examples that can go the other way where science was better than intuition. I think what I liked most was the part of the book that talked about micro expressions and the expressions we make and how they communicate more to us than what is said. We learn these expressions before we learn to talk they are vital to our communication with others as well as the way we feel about others after we meet them. This is a book I would recommend but not to everyone. There are some people that will really dislike this book because of the discussion about thinking without knowing we are doing it. Those that need to be in charge every moment will not enjoy this book as it is letting the subconscious take over for a while. However, we may be able to use snap decisions and judgments to our advantage with some amount of practice at which point we may be in control of them more than we would know.
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