Monday, December 2, 2013

The Song of the Quarkbeast by Jasper Fforde

Title: The Song of the Quarkbeast
Author: Jasper Fforde
Type: Young Adult Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Yes Book 2 of "The Chronicles of Kazam" book one The Last Dragonslayer
Pages: 289
Copyright: 2013
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Rating: 3 out of 5

Summary: from Goodreads.

Long ago, magic began to fade, and the underemployed magicians of Kazam Mystical Arts Management have been forced to take any work their sixteen-year-old acting manager, Jennifer Strange, can scare up. But things are about to change. Magical power is finally on the rise, and King Snodd IV, of the Ununited Kingdoms knows that he who controls magic controls everything. Only one person stands between Snodd and his plans for a magic-grab--and that's Jennifer. 

Yet even smart and sensible Jennifer would have trouble against these powers-that-be. The king and his cronies will do anything to succeed--including ordering a just-might-be-rigged contest between Kazam and iMagic, Kazam's only competitor in the magic business. With underhanded shenanigans afoot, how can Kazam possibly win? 

Whatever happens, one this is certain: Jennifer Strange will not relinquish the noble powers of magic without a fight.


When I finished reading this book I really thought it was going to be the last in the series. However, when I did a little looking, Jasper Fforde's website, I found that there will be four books in this series so two to come yet. I have enjoyed the series thus far so will look for the last two. Unlike some series though the end of the book doesn't leave you hanging and waiting for the next to be published. (The authors that do this shall not be named but we shall say it has been almost four years and I'm still waiting for the last in the trilogy.) Thank you Fforde for creating a neat package of a book that can stand without the next book.

Jennifer Strange, the main character, is not your typical sixteen year old she runs Kazam. The book is full of humor that is Fforde's specialty. While the last book told of Jennifer's exploits with dragon's this book is more about the workings of magic in the Ununited Kingdoms and beyond, and the struggle to control the magic.

This book was very easy to read and yes clearly a young adult novel it does have parts that may appeal more to adult readers. I would recommend this to fans of Jasper Fforde and to those that like quirky fantasy.

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